ME: Good evening Simone, and thank you for taking the time out to share yourself with my audience. I appreciate you sharing your fashion sense, as well as your views on how we can improve our communities. At this time I would like to give the audience a little background information about you. Simone is the Owner and Editor In Chief of "Around Town" magazine. You have probably seen her publication in professional establishments around the city, primarily in the Southeast section of Queens. Simone has interviewed celebrities, entrepreneurs, and everyday New Yorkers for her publication.

When Simone is not publishing her magazine, there is very little time for anything else. She is constantly running around the city interviewing people for her magazine, she is also an author whose projects we will discuss shortly. She is currently working on a new project to help homeless, teenage mothers.
ME: Simone I would like you to discuss your magazine for the audience please.
SIMONE: Good evening everyone, my name is Simone Lord and I am the editor of Around Town magazine. The magazine is based on my interviews with different people from all walks of life. I am focusing on "Community Empowerment".
ME: Can you please tell the audience what that means to you?
SIMONE: In addition, I want to help teenagers read more. One of the things that I find fascinating about the magazine is being able to talk to young people about it. I want to set an example for teenagers. I want them to go out into the world and to better themselves.

ME: You talk a lot about teenagers, is your magazine designed for teenagers?
SIMONE: No, teenagers are a part of the magazine as is everyone else. Teenagers are a very important part of the audience because they are our future.
ME: Who would you say is your target audience?
SIMONE: I would say that my target audience is men and women ages 16 through 50+. I write articles about positive role models that do great things for their country, and the communities in which they serve. I want these same people to influence the younger generation to do wonderful things in and around their communities as well.
ME: Simone, you are a positive role model for young women. Your style of dress exudes confidence, style and grace. These three traits are very important for young women. Please describe the first outfit that we have featured in our photo gallery.
SIMONE: This is a red dress that I picked in the city and to be perfectly honest with you I cannot remember the store that I purchased it from. However, I do know that I purchased it somewhere in Manhattan. (Lol)

ME: Thanks Simone, we definitely appreciate your honesty! (Lol) Please tell the audience about your novel.
SIMONE: I have written a book entitled "The Last Castle In Brooklyn". It will be followed up with a play sometime in 2011.
SIMONE: It is a novel about an enchanted castle in East New York, Brooklyn. Only time will tell if the main character, Mariah will emerge victorious from the evil that holds her captive as she is drawn to the castle's keeper, the creepy old Reverend Blake, like a moth to the flame. You can read more by downloading the eBook at www.smashwords.com/LadySimone or order a hard copy from Amazon.com or Barnes & Nobles, for a signed copy log on to www.AroundTownTV.com.
ME: Congratulations on the book. Can you please tell the audience about your next project, one that is very dear, and close to your heart?
SIMONE: My pet project is our Royal People Group non-profit where we are building up the castle in the book and restoring it into a castle home for young homeless pregnant mother and their children. We want them to know that they have royalty within and can be somebody. Proceeds from the sale of the book go towards building up the castle. Please donate to our cause by going to www.Zioncastle.blogspot.com. Together we can make a difference in whether a young pregnant girl sleeps on the train or not.

ME: Thank you for sharing that with us. If any member of our audience would like to purchase your novel, or make a donation with any of your projects, what is the best way to contact you?
SIMONE: You can help donate to our cause and receive further information about my projects by going to www.Zioncastle.blogspot.com.
ME: Now it's time to get into more detail about you being a "Fashionista". You are the second person to describe herself as such. [For those of you that remember, Ms. Shondel Jones from our last edition also described herself as a "Fashionista". You can view her interview by scrolling down behind this edition]
ME: Please tell the audience about the outfit that you are wearing right now and who is responsible for your beautiful hairstyle.
SIMONE: I purchased my dress from the Queens Center Mall. My bag was custom made by “Machijah located on Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn. My hair was done by”Snakx” Beauty Salon located in Queens.

ME: How do you describe your fashion style?
SIMONE: I would describe my style as "Elegant", "Eclectic", and "Fashionistic"
ME: What helps make one a fashionista?
SIMONE: It's all about the "glam".
ME: What are three words that you would use to describe yourself and why?
1) "Enterprising" I am always thinking about "business". I want to know everything there is to know about business and what I can do to be successful.
2) "Prolific" I am writing all of the time and consider myself a prolific writer.
3) "Caring" I am a person who cares a great deal about the community. You have to be involved and you have to make a difference.
ME: What are three must have items in your opinion for this winter?
SIMONE: 1) Over the knee boots 2) Juicy Couture jewelry to accessories
3) Poppin’ lip gloss

ME: With that being said what final words would you like to leave the audience with? SIMONE: We should all strive to be more like President Obama and Michelle Obama and Darryl Madison. I had the pleasure of meeting them both and shaking hands with them, that hand shake has inspired me to keep on going through the tough times. These are people who reach down and help pull others up. Lend a hand to someone in need; it should not always be about getting paid. Volunteer more, do something good for someone and see how your life will be enriched. Let's support each other now. I thank you so much Darryl for supporting me, my work, and my vision. One love, and best blessings to you and your readers.
ME: Thank you for the plug Simone. (Lol) Well ladies and gentlemen; this concludes another edition of the Fashion Photo Show Blog, see you next time.