Good afternoon everyone and welcome to another edition of the MET Fashion Photo Show blog. As I mentioned in the last blog, today's interview will focus on Joen Olivia (Joen is pronounced Jo-Ann). Joen is a single mother of two who is going to school, working very hard in the field of law, pursuing her dreams to open her own business and raising two beautiful children in the process. With that being said, it is my pleasure to introduce you to Ms. Joen Olivia.

ME: Good afternoon Joen and Happy Belated Mother’s Day to you.
JOEN: Thank you

ME: You’re a student and a professional. You juggle work and school, and manage both very well. If that isn’t enough, you were blessed with a set of fraternal twins via a boy and a girl. What’s that like?
JOEN: It can be fun, but it can also be very challenging at the same time.
ME: How old are your children?
JOEN:“My children are two years old.”

ME: Wow, the "terrible twos!" As a mother, what is the hardest part of your day?
JOEN: Lol, The hardest part of my day is when I start to get anxious and restless. I am thinking about everything that has to get done, the kids, work, school, etc. I want to get everything done and I also want to do well in school. The thought of doing homework after a long day at the office is a little overwhelming at times. My kids ALWAYS come first so after I finish with them, there isn't much time left to get anything else done, especially homework.
ME: I can definitely understand that. I mentioned that you were a student and you just finished describing what a typical day is like when you have everything going on at the same time, especially with school in session. What is your major, and what do you want to do professionally?
JOEN:My major is legal studies. I want to own my own business one day. I don't know if it will be in the field of law or not, but I definitely want to own my own business.

ME: You recently did a personal portfolio of yourself. Most people couldn’t believe that you are the mother of twins. You look great!
JOEN: Thank you. I was lucky, veeerrrrryyyy lucky! I didn't think that I would ever see my shape again! Lol! I am blessed. When I was pregnant I ate like there was no tomorrow.

ME: Well I'm sure that this is a question on most of my readers minds who have children. How do you juggle work, school and a family while maintaining your shape? Do you work out regularly?
JOEN: I work out with my kids. I carry them all over the place which helped develop my arms. I chase after them because they are running everywhere, that's how I get my cardio in. Lol!
ME: Well that looks and sounds like the perfect exercise plan! Lol! You recently took some pictures of yourself for your personal portfolio and received a lot of compliments about your photos. Are you also looking to add modeling to your long list of responsibilities?
JOEN: Yes, it is definitely a possibility. I want to give it a chance.

ME: As you know, this is a blog about real New Yorker’s wearing real New York fashions. Please tell the audience about your fashion style.
JOEN: I would describe my fashion style as one that stands out. I like to use lots of different accessories to enhance what I am wearing. I want people to look at me and say "She looks outstanding!"

ME: Right now we are using some of the pictures from your portfolio photo shoot. Can you tell the audience what you were wearing and where did you purchase your clothing from?
JOEN: For the first part of my portfolio shoot I wore an orange top and black leggings. I purchased them from Pay Half in Downtown Brooklyn. I bought the black dress from Dr. J's. For the second part of the shoot I wore a purple top with white leggings, a tan dress and a black striped dress. I purchased all of these items from Pay Half in Downtown Brooklyn.

ME: Where did you get your hair done and who is your stylist?
JOEN: For the first photo shoot my friend Simone did my hair for me. For the second shoot I had my hair styled by "Tatiana". She works at the hair salon in the Atlantic Mall.

ME: What are three must have items for the spring?
a) Accessories (Rings, earrings, and bracelets)
b) An Ipod
c) Handbag

ME: How would you describe yourself as an overall person?
JOEN: I would describe myself as a person who is "driven". I consider myself a "go getter". I am always trying to push myself to the limit.

ME: What are three words that you would use to describe yourself and why?
a) Self Motivated-When I really want something I set specific goals and I try not to let anyone or anything distract me from them.
b) Energetic-With the twins I pretty much have to be
c) Independent-I get this trait from my mother. I don't want to be disappointed when I want something so I have become accustomed to getting things myself.
ME: Ladies and gentlemen I want to thank you for taking the time to read my latest blog. If you are new to my blog and want to see what you have missed, click on "older posts", and you will be able to catch up on all of the blogs that you have missed.