Good afternoon everyone and welcome back to another edition of the Fashion Photo Show blog. I recently visited the WBLS Bridal Expo at the Hotel Pennsylvania in Manhattan. Vendors in the wedding industry, family planning, travel industry and personal products all came down to show off their product lines. I had the pleasure of talking to two representatives from New York Life, Mr. Michael Crawford and David Drayton. You probably have auto insurance to protect your car. You most likely have home insurance or apartment insurance to protect the valuables in your home. What do you have to protect the single most important thing in your life? I am referring to your family! If you shook or scratched your head while thinking about it, then read on as Michael Crawford and David Drayton tell us a little bit about life insurance.
ME: Good afternoon Michael and welcome to this weeks edition of the Fashion Photo Show blog.
MICHAEL: Good afternoon and thank you for having me.
ME: What is life insurance?
MICHAEL: It is protection for your family. God forbid something happens to you. How will you provide for your family? Life insurance provides financial stability when you need it most. When something bad happens to someone and they are the sole provider, or one of the main providers how will the rent or mortgage get paid? How will you put food on the table? Who will take care of your loved ones?
ME: Why should someone purchase life insurance?
MICHAEL: People should purchase life insurance because at the end of the day, life insurance is going to give you the best return for your family. Life insurance can help you manage the financial aspects of your life just in case something serious happens to you preventing you from providing for your family yourself.

ME: How long have you been with New York Life?
MICHAEL: I have been with New York Life for three years now.
ME: Can you tell us a little more about the New York Life Insurance Company?
MICHAEL: New York Life has been around a long time. The company is currently 164 years old. It is also a privately owned company. In recent months this country has undergone a very serious recession. The stock market has not affected us negatively at this time. New York Life is a good investment for your family. If something should happen to you or another member of your family and he or she is no longer able to take care of the family, New York Life gives you the peace of mind knowing that there is a company out there looking to help you take care of your family.

ME: And what is the TARP program?
MICHAEL: Tarp is better known as “bailout money”. TARP stands for “Trouble Asset Relief Program”. Companies such as AIG and General Motors were companies that took this money. New York Life on the other hand was asked about their management skills and how they were able to function without receiving any additional funding to keep their company in the black.
ME: If someone wants to get more information about New York Life how can they learn more about the company?
MICHAEL: For more information you can call me at 914-253-7076, or visit www.nylife.com.

MICHAEL: I am wearing a gray suit that I purchased from K & G fashions. My tie is a pink, striped tie from the Van Heusen outlet. I purchased my collared shirt from Simms and my shoes from DSW.
ME: Hopefully the cold weather will come to an end sometime soon. What are three must have items for the springtime?
MICHAEL: Three must have things for the springtime would include the following:
A good watch, specifically a Breitling watch
A good wallet
Good underwear

ME: I’m sure that in your profession being charming, funny and smart is very important. Michael is currently working with a few of his colleagues. At this time I would like to introduce you to one of Michael’s partner, Mr. David Drayton.
ME: Good afternoon David.
DAVID: Good afternoon.
ME: I just finished interviewing Michael for my blog and he provided my audience with some very good information about life insurance and the New York Life company in general. I asked Michael about the clothing that he is wearing and a few words that he would use to describe himself. I would like to ask you the same questions. What are you wearing and where did you purchase your clothing from?

ME: What are three words that you would use to describe yourself?
DAVID: Handsome, Personable and Driven
ME: What are three must have items for the springtime?
DAVID: Ipad2, Nice footwear and Money
ME: Gentlemen, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for participating in this weeks blog.
MICHAEL AND DAVID: Your welcome.
ME: Ladies and gentlemen I want to once again thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to follow my latest blog. Next time I am going to introduce you to Ms. Cindy Sanabria, Videographer and CEO of "Our Imagination, Your Entertainment".
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