Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another edition of the MET Fashion Photo Show blog. As I mentioned in the last blog, I was going to focus on a wonderful young woman who is working very hard in school to become a Child Psychologist. She is currently in her senior year and she takes on a lot of volunteer projects that help a lot of people reach their individual goals. She is scheduled to graduate from Bennett College on May 15th, 2012. She has a grade point average of 3.9, and is on the honor roll at her school. She is majoring in Psychology and wants to pursue a career in Child Psychology. She wants to go to graduate school to receive a Doctoral Degree in School Psychology. It is my pleasure to introduce you to Ms. Tatiana Walker.
Good afternoon Tatiana and welcome to the latest edition of the MET Fashion Photo Show blog. I want to first congratulate you in everything that you do and for the work that you have done. As I understand it, you took six classes for a total of 18 credits. Can you tell the audience what school you attend and what your major is, as well as how you did last semester?
TATIANA: I attend Bennett College and I am a Psychology major. I did well during the spring semester, but not as well as I desired. I received five "A's" and on "B". It was a wonderful semester over all though. I finally learned how to balance work and play.
ME: Thank you Tatiana, can you please tell the audience about yourself?
TATIANA: I am twenty years old. I am known to be a social butterfly, but shockingly enough, I am very shy. Reading, cooking and baking are my favorite past times. My passion is serving others, and service is very important to me.
ME: Besides taking classes at Bennett College, what other activities are you involved in at school?
TATIANA: I am the former president of the Student Ambassadors Association. This year I will be the tour coordinator. I am a Certified Peer Student Educator for the HIV/AIDS Taskforce. I am also the Intake Chair for the Psi Chi Honor Society. I've been on my class executive boards as well. I am also in the Psychology Club and my honor societies include; Alpha Lambda Delta, Pi Gamma Mu and Alpha Mu. I am also a member of Alpha Kappa Sorority Inc.

TATIANA: Costa Rica was an incredible experience. I was there studying the role of African American women in ecotourism. I took a Spanish course, and a Sociology course while I was there. While I was there I volunteered at an orphanage. The mission was to immerse ourselves in the culture. We took cooking classes as well as dancing. In the end, I learned a lot about myself.
ME: What did you like most about the Costa Rican Learning program that you participated in while you were in CR?
TATIANA: I liked that they provided us with an opportunity to volunteer with the children. This service was amazing and ten times better than park clean up for example. They were also very responsive to our needs and patient when they were teaching us their language.
ME: You were born in New York and raised in Queens. You were raised in the Baisley Park Houses. You have had the opportunity to not only go away to school, but you also attend one of the Historical Black Colleges via Bennett College. Can you tell the audience what it's like to go away to school?
TATIANA:It's different, but well worth it. It is an experience that you can't get by staying home. Going away to college teaches you independence and opens the avenue to self exploration and personal development. Going away to school is a treat and you watch yourself mature.

TATIANA: They were a very supportive and encouraging support system for me. Sister Shirley introduced me to Bennett College. I would not have applied to this school if it weren't for her. They also helped me tremendously in applying and receiving scholarships for school.
ME: Would you recommend this program to other high school students? And if so, how come?
TATIANA: I would recommend this program to other students. They are great people who truly, and genuinely care about their students. They can open many doors and have many connections and resources.
ME: What are some of your plans for your upcoming final year?
TATIANA: I want to apply for national fellowships for graduate school and I also want to apply for graduate programs. I also plan to start a book club called "Tea Time" and participate in a service project for Haiti called "Operation Oasis."
ME: Tatiana, this is a blog focusing on real New Yorkers wearing real new York fashion. please describe for the audience what you are wearing.
TATIANA: I am wearing a tan skirt, a pink button down shirt and a navy blue blazer with brown patches on the elbows.

TATIANA: The skirt was from J-Crew, the shirt was from Ralph Lauren, and the blazer from H&M.
ME: Where do you get your hair done, and what is the name of your hair stylist?
TATIANA:I get my hair done at "Betty's Unisex Salon" by Iesha
ME: Where else could you wear this outfit?
TATIANA: You can wear this outfit to a business casual lunch, an informal meeting or shopping on Fifth Avenue.
ME: What other accessories would you like to add, or have added to this outfit?
TATIANA: Blue pumps, a thin pearl necklace and sunglasses.
ME: How would you describe your fashion style?
TATIANA: Collegiate and very "preppy."
ME: What are three must have items for the fall?
TATIANA: Three must have items for the fall are The Ipad 2, a Tiffany bracelet, and "Hater Blockers" (Shades)
ME: Thanks for your insight, if the readers want to know a little bit more about Tatiana the student and what it's like to be a student that goes away to college, what are three words that you would use to describe this experience?
TATIANA: Overwhelming, Liberating and Inconceivable.

TATIANA: Chestnut Uggs, a scarf, and feather earrings.
ME: On a final note, what would you like to say to the audience?
TATIANA: Always keep a camera nearby. A picture is worth a thousand words and it is the best way to capture just a snapshot of some of your unforgettable moments. One photo can bring forth the same emotions you felt that exact moment that it was taken.
ME: Tatiana, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your time and to wish you a safe trip back to school, and to do well this semester.
TATIANA: Thank you.
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