ME: Welcome to the show Alexandra.
ALEXANDRA: Thank you for having me.
ME: I want to first focus on your work as an artist. How long have you been painting?
ALEXANDRA: I have been painting for a long time. I have been painting since the age of three. In my paintings, I used different textures, jewelry and other symbols to express my ideas. I look for different things to use in my paintings.

ME: What do you like to paint?
ALEXANDRA: It depends. I like to paint whatever inspires me. During my last exhibition at the DL Lounge, I focused on aquatic images. The name of my last exhibition was “Ocean Deep.” (Photos from this show can be seen in the MET Photography’s Fashion Photography page under “The Fashion & Art Show at the DL Lounge.”) This was a “marine” theme. The main idea behind this exhibit focuses on the following idea; “In everything, if you look hard enough, you will find the treasure.”
ME: What inspires you?
ALEXANDRA: I can’t say that there is just “one” thing that inspires me. When I paint it comes from different things. Feelings, situations, life itself. These things have strong influences on my painting.

ME: Tell us a little bit about your next exhibit.
ALEXANDRA: On Friday May 3rd at EVR, (Located at 54 West 39th Street) I am putting on an exhibit that will focus on the energy of the city. During the art exhibit we will offer you live body painting on two spectacular models. This will not be the regular body painting that you see in clubs, this will be an extension of the art exhibition. Instead of canvas I will paint on the model's toned bodies! This is an ART EXHIBIT. Art takes many forms and I want to show that my art is alive, on canvas or beyond!
This spring I splurge on vivid colors, accents of fuchsia, neon pink, purples in contrast with black and whites.
In the art and fashion capital of the world New York City, I, Alexandra I am bold! I have a say in the art and fashion show scene and I am not afraid to show it! I like to combine classic painting, acrylic on canvas with the energy of the moment and that is how these events are born. The pulse of the city, the fashion trends, the inner thoughts are transcended in this collection, "Dangerous Floral". The fashion shows are more and more in demand and very few people are excited about paintings unless, we the Artists we will show the public that ART is Not boring! Art is spectacular! Paintings last forever. Paintings can be in the spotlight! This is my belief! My paintings are fashionable! I follow or better said I am inspired by fashion trends. I corrected the word "follow" because I do not follow anything, I am a Leader. I can be inspired but never follow a trend just because is there. I need to believe in to create a story!
I associate orchids with the modern woman and man. Beautiful, far from being pure, perfect in it’s structure, emanating a complex sensuality from the blossoms, pretentious, exploding wild energy.
I am making a statement. Come into the game, wear fuchsia, wear neon pink! Or purple! Be a part of my Spring Extravaganza!
This event is an exclusive event that is going to be held upstairs in the VIP section. There will be an open vodka bar from 7pm to 8pm. This will be a private showing since the upstairs area (VIP) is reserved especially for this art event.

ME: If the audience wants to see more of your work where can they see more of your work?
ALEXANDRA: Please let them know that they can visit my website; alexandraartanddesign.com.

ME: You mentioned that you were also a fashion designer, does this have a direct correlation with your art? And if so, what and how are the correlations made?
ALEXANDRA: My ideas go back and forth between my art, and my fashions. Between what goes on in the fashion industry and the trends of people around me, I use them to create my artwork and designs. I tend not to follow trends, I try to create them.

For example, during my last exhibit, I used very special beads and rings for the paintings seen in my show. I focus on fashion and art at the same time because I am directly involved with each industry. I attend a lot of fashion shows. I love fashion. I named one of my sons “Ralph” after the designer Ralph Lauren. I studied Ralph Lauren when I was studying American fashion designers.
I had 3 paintings from different periods of time and different themes on the "Art on the Down Low" DL art event.
"Sahara Brides" 2006-Middle Eastern theme
"Zebra" 2009-Safari Theme
"Ocean Deep" 2013-Marine Theme
I wanted to show my versatility in paintings and how different periods of time in my life, different influences are shown in my artwork. I can say it is a retrospective of my art work. The marine theme was my first event this year held on March 8th at the Empire Hotel. It was entitled; "Summer calling-Ocean Deep."

ME: Well Alexandra, this is a fashion blog so I have to ask you a couple of things about what you are wearing and your fashion ideas. What are you wearing right now?
ALEXANDRA: Right now I am wearing a Christian Dior top, and my pants, jacket and boots are all by Bebe. I love to build my collection based on specific designers. I like the way that you can mix and match different pieces easier by focusing on a selected number of designers. (The green outfit is a short set by Roberto Cavalli, the blue dress that you see was designed by Eli Tahari)
ME: Alexandra, what are three must haves for the current spring season?
ALEXANDRA: The first must have item for the spring season is a fuchsia or pink dress. It should be neon and romantic. The second item is a white dress with lace. The third thing is Christian Louboutin shoes.

ME: Going back to your artwork for a minute, there were models at the Fashion & Art show photographed with your works of art, was there some symbolism or significance for you?
ALEXANDRA: Yes. There is a direct correlation between my artwork and models. As I mentioned earlier, I work in both fields so it only makes sense to incorporate both of them when I can, and as often as I can. There is a photograph of Ahkmel the Model photographed with one of my paintings, he looks great posing with my painting.

When I first was told about the exhibit for Ocean Deep, I didn’t know that there was going to be a fashion component with it. When I found out I hoped for the best and i must say it exceeded my expectations. The show was wonderful!

ME: Before we go, is there one last thing that you would like to say to the audience?
ALEXANDRA: Yes. Please don’t be so critical about fashion designers, artists and models. Try to think about the message or statement that the artist or designer is trying to get across. What is the artist saying, or trying to say with this piece? Try to learn about their story.

ME: Thank you Alexandra for taking the time to sit down and discuss your artwork and fashion with the audience.
ALEXANDRA: It was my pleasure! Thank you for having me!
ME: Once again ladies and gentlemen, thank you again for tuning into the latest edition of the MET Fashion Photo Show blog!