Fashion Subject: Ebony Edwards

Clothing Line(s):"Hello World Stylez, Work It Girl & Train Dirty Fitness"
Location of Product(s)/Service(s): Facebook
Description of Product(s)/Service(s): "My clothing line is very universal. You can wear an outfit three different times. My clothing line is making a statement; Hello world! I'm trying to make a statement everywhere you go with my clothing line."

Tagline(s): "As a young woman, mother or lady, you will always have a new look."
What the artist(s) wants you to know: "Showing some skin is not necessarily a bad thing. I want to sell sex appeal, jazzy and classy."
What the artist is wearing now: Ebony is currently wearing a piece called "Connections". The blouse can be closed when you want it to. It can be worn with a nice pair of leggings and heels. Ebony is currently demonstrating the versatility of her outfit with leggings and heels.
