ME: Good evening everyone and thank you for taking time out to give me a few minutes for this interview.
EVERYONE: You are very welcome.
ME: Tonight we have three shows scheduled for this evening.
TRISH: Actually, we just added a fourth show.
ME: Four shows? Wow, what will we be seeing tonight?
TRISH: You will see designs by Eric Vega, Alina LAL Couture, Ola Styles and Paula Meneses. We have swimwear and beautiful dresses.
ME: Let's start off with you Charlie, (Charlie Anderson, Model) tell us what it's like performing in a show for Ola Styles.
CHARLIE: I like walking for Ola. She is originally from St. Louis and she brought a great clothing line with her. I have walked for her about five different times in the last three years and I love her clothing line! She just has a different look for everything that she does. She takes a swimsuit and just makes it better!
ME: You're participating in today's show, what does it mean to you?
CHARLIE: Participating in today's show means a lot to me. She trusts me to make her clothes look great and that is something that is very important to me.
ME: If anyone is interested in learning more about Ola's creations, where can they go for more information?
CHARLIE: Anyone interested in seeing her clothing line can go to Facebook and type in "Ola Style"
ME: (Right now our designers have to prepare for the start of the show so Charlie agrees to give me a few more minutes) Charlie, I know that you have to run so please tell the audience three words that you would use to best describe her clothing line.
CHARLIE: The three words that I would use to best describe her designs are Edgy, Fun and Original.
ME: New York fashion is extremely important in the fashion world and I like to ask my guests what three must have items should be purchased for the upcoming fall season.
JULIE REISMAN, MAKEUP ARTIST: A simple black dress, great accessories and fabulous makeup!
ME: Thank you everyone for a few minutes. Right now I am going to show you some of the designs presented at the show.
Thank you ladies and gentlemen for taking the time out to read another edition of the MET Fashion Photo Show. For more information about the designers and their products, visit them on Facebook, or online at their respective websites including, but not limited to the following; "Ericvegafashion.com, Ola Style, designs by Paula Meneses and Alina LAL Couture." If you would like to see the full show please visit my Facebook page at MET Photography's Fashion Photography page.
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