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Thursday, July 24, 2014

MET Fashion Photo Show presents Artist Spotlight; "Candy Rock Couture with Harmony Corbett"

Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another edition of the MET Photography Fashion Photo Show blog. Tonight at the DL Lounge located in Manhattan on the corner of Delancey Street and Ludlow Streets, Harmony Corbett introduced the audience to her latest creations from her "Candy Rock" collection. The Candy Rock collection introduces bright and bold colors along with edgy styles and patterns. The entire collection can be viewed on her website at www.candyrockcouture.com, or on Facebook at "www.Facebook.com/CandyRockHottie". Candy Rock can also be found on Instagram at "candy_rockcouture". Sponsored by "Splat" hair color. (www.splathaircolor.com)
I had the opportunity to ask Harmony some questions about her collection. The MUA's for this evenings event were Kelly Fraticelli and Brittany Diaz.
ME: Good evening Harmony and thank you for participating in today's "Artist Spotlight".
HARMONY: Thank you
ME: How long have you been a fashion designer?
HARMONY: I have been a fashion designer for four years now.
ME: What makes candy Rock the clothing line that it is?
HARMONY: My clothing line is a line that "stands out" and demands to be different. When you are wearing Candy Rock Couture you don't care about what others think about you.
ME: Thank you Harmony.
HARMONY: Your welcome.
I wanted to dig deeper into Candy Rock Couture so I visited Harmony's website and was able to learn a little bit more about the designer and her clothing line.

"Candy-Rock Couture is a one woman, hand-made custom clothing line with designs that are equal parts punk rock power and fairy tale girlishness designed and created by me, Harmony Corbett, out of a need for a new look in the punk and street-wear scene that I really wanted to wear! Always sexy and punk rock with a twist of zippers, chains and studs.
I make clothes for gals in the rock -n- roll industry or for those of us who just wish we were! I mix assertive patterns, bright colors, and token punk staples such as hot pink and black with ribbons and bows, lace and ruffles, zippers, chains and studs, etc to create a unique fashion statement in the street fashion scene.

Punk Clothing, Rock Clothing, Fetish Clothing. "Candy-Rock Couture" is Clothing for Fashion Freaks! Care to be different? Then these clothes are perfect for you! A super unique brand for individuals and independent thinkers! Mix and match different clothes for a way killer style.

Inspired by candy, rock, rap, color, new york street, love, the 80's and underground style; my clothes are youthful but sexy, unique, urban, quirky, witty & above all fun! "Candy-Rock Couture" is for everyone who doesn't fit in or go beyond being known as just a skater, goth, punk, emo or rockabilly. There are no business formulas or strategies here just straight up sincere passion for what I do, everything is done for the right reasons and most importantly done with heart; catering for those who look for a unique edge in their image.

"Candy-Rock Couture" are designs for people who don’t want to blend in. Maybe they’re attention whores...or media whores... or Fashion whores. It’s a little loud and definitely more than just a little bit rock n’ roll. Go ahead. Embrace your inner whore..be a punk-rock princess with "Candy-Rock Couture!"*** Fashion that is loud, sweet music to your ears!*** For people who don't just KNOW trends, they SET them!"

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